Eastry News

My Community Voice



I was on annual leave for the first 17 days of June and therefore have not been out in the community as much as I would have liked to. It does seem however that I have brought the sunshine back home with me which certainly makes my job more enjoyable – if not a little warm once carrying all of my kit!

As previously documented, I have a passion for traffic matters and enforcing speed limits within our villages. I am always looking for new areas of concern and would like to be contacted with any new locations to complete these checks.

I have attended two school summer fetes this month as part of Dover Community Safety Unit. We are happy to attend such events and I can be contacted directly to discuss this. Please feel free to email me at 11454@kent.police.uk with any questions.

Email – 11454@kent.police.uk




Incidents of Note

1st June 2024 – Report of criminal damage to a disused barn/building on Brook Street Eastry. This building is fenced off and due for renovation. Unknown persons have entered and caused criminal damage to a CCTV camera on site. Reference 46/90823/24 refers.

2nd June 2024 – Report of nuisance motor vehicles – Barville Road, Walderhsare. Believed to be local ‘drifters’. Details circulated to local patrols for attendance.

5th June 2024 – Report of motorcycle being stolen overnight from a residential property on Sholden Drive, Sholden. Report 46/92801/24 refers.

10th June 2024 – Report of a daytime burglary on Deal Road, Worth. Between 08:30 and 16:00 hours, suspects unknown have broken in to an external shed by causing damage to the padlock. Reference 10-1042.

14th June 2024 – Further report of nuisance motor vehicles, this time close to Betteshanger Country Park. Once again, circulated for local patrols for attendance.

29th June 2024 – Burglary – Overnight a shed has been broken in to on School Road, Tilmanstone and a lawnmower stolen.

29th June 2024 – Shoplifting from The Village Shop, Eastry.

Youths have allegedly stolen a box of vapes to the value of £40. At time of writing, enquiries are still ongoing to identify offenders.

29th June 2024 – Third report of nuisance motor vehicles. This occasion on Barville Roundabout, Tilmanstone. Police patrols attended but no vehicles at the location upon arrival.

I am aware of the ongoing issue on the A256 and surrounding area with the nuisance ‘drifters’. I encourage those disturbed by this issue to continue to report this at the time either by 101 or the Kent Police Website. I have been contacted regarding the installation of CCTV cameras at certain problem locations. I will discuss this with Dover District Council but at this stage, I cannot comment further on this request.

Can I please encourage everyone to sign up to My Community Voice website. This will enable me to send updates of recent issues as well as letting residents know when I will be attending local events and engagements.

This can be completed at – Home Page – My Community Voice Kent