KENT COUNTY COUNCIL WOODNESBOROUGH ROAD, EASTRY TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF DRIVING Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 – Section 14 (2) Kent County Council gives notice that Woodnesborough Road, Eastry has been closed to through traffic, on or after 23rd November 2023 for up to 8 days. The road has been closed at Woodnesborough Road, Eastry. The alternative route is via Gore Road, Gore Lane, Lower Gore Lane and Woodnesborough Lane. This closure is necessary to enable emergency gas escape works to be carried out by SGN. This Notice applies when the relevant signs and barriers are on site and is valid for a period of no more than 21 days. Signed for and on behalf of the Kent County Council, Haroona Chughtai, Director of Highways & Transportation, or by her authorised signatory

Emergency Road Closure – Woodnesborough Road, Eastry – 23rd November 2023 (Dover)

It has been necessary to close Woodnesborough Road, Eastry from 23rd November 2023 for up to 8 days.


The road has been closed at Woodnesborough Road, Eastry.


The alternative route is via Gore Road, Gore Lane, Lower Gore Lane and Woodnesborough Lane.


This is to enable emergency gas escape works to be carried out by SGN.


For details of roadworks, please see One.Network


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