Help is urgently needed to identify and report the Asian hornet. This arrived in France from China and has spread across Europe. It is not yet established in England but 6 nests have been found so far this year in Dover and Folkestone Districts. You may find it in your garden or in wasps traps – if you use them.
How can you report a sighting?
Take a photograph
If in doubt go to:
Contact your local Asian Hornet coordinator who will help you identify the insect using the map at: Asian Hornet Team map | British Beekeepers Association (
If certain it is an Asian Hornet, download the Asian Hornet Watch App and follow the instructions. This is an easy way to report sightings.
If you don’t have the App email your photos or videos to:
Why will they be such a big problem?
Asian Hornets are more defensive than wasps and our native hornet. In other countries they are known to build their nests in sheltered sites such as sheds, roof spaces and garages, sometimes hedgerows and thickets. If their numbers increase, more members of the public will inevitably come into contact with them. Their sting is very venomous and people who normally do not react to wasp stings have been known to be hospitalized.
Asian Hornets are known to feed on many different types of insects including butterflies, moths, beetles and many types of bees. Many of these are vital pollinators and also form a key part of the food chain for birds and small mammals. Loss of these insects will also cause loss of these birds, bats and other mammals.
Honey lovers. Asian Hornets also target honeybees. This will inevitably result in a reduced number of honey bees colonies and the associated honey crop.
For more information go to: or
What does the Asian hornet look like? See pictures. Its main features are:
orangey face, mainly black body, one broad yellow band on its abdomen, mostly yellow legs, approx. 2 cm long. It bigger than wasps but smaller than the European Hornet.
Thank you for your help.